Tuesday, March 24, 2020

As Message from Wade Putnal to Parents

                                                                                              March 24, 2020
Dear 3K, PK, K School Parents,
I hope this note finds you and yours safe and healthy. Mrs. Rogers and I are learning how to “do school from home” also. We are missing you! Thank you for all the feedback, pictures, and videos you are sending teachers. The connection helps teachers identify needs and the connection the children get from seeing their friends and teachers is so important too. 😊
 Learning from a distance, “Distance Learning”, is brand new for all of us. Each and every household has a different schedule and is learning ways to best do this with their families. That is not going to be the same for all. As teachers plan they seek to provide resources that can be used in different ways and at different times during distance learning. We realize some parents are still away from home at work full time. Others are at home and trying to work full time from home during the day. Some children are at home, some are with sitters, and some may be with grandparents that may not be as tech savvy as others… all of this is ok. The daily lesson plans teachers are posting to their blogs every day are filled with lessons, practice, and review of skills and concepts. Teachers are also providing many web resources online we have gotten access to for our parents. Do what you can when you can and know that this is ok. Weekends may be a time to catch up some. When all of this is over what will be important is what your child’s feelings are through this unknown time. We all need to share patience, kindness, and love. Remember that all are in the same situation and we all will do the very best we can. We each are in God’s care.
For our younger students, 3K, PK, K activities will be given, but learning will be very different from what their usual school day is like.  In a school environment, a major part of these younger ages developmental emphasis is on getting along with others in a classroom filled with others: sharing, waiting your turn, being kind, making new friends in class and on the playground, working in small groups, working in a large groups, and all the other social and emotional ways they need to grow. Developing language, communication, and comprehension skills as they communicate with their peers and teachers during class time, centers, and going to co-curriculars are such a vital part of their day as they learn at school. This group needs varied, shorter periods of time to practice specific skills and concepts. The single best thing you or a caretaker can do for these ages is for someone to read aloud to them as often as you can…inside, outside anywhere! This is different from them listening to a story on an iPad, which is fine at times but does not replace the skills a child gets from sharing a story with someone.
 Our goal is for the children to be provided varied activities… some time with technology, some paper/pencil or activity sheets, and lots of engaging hands on counting, patterning, building, creating, reading, talking and sharing, praying, and active learning! Use the outdoors, nature, and toys to engage and create fun learning. Sunshine and fresh air are good for the soul.
Know that we are truly all in this together. We know distance learning does not look the very same for all. It will be okay. We will get through this. Love and laugh some every day! You are doing a great job. Let us know how we can help you.
Hugs and love from afar,
Wade Putnal

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